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"Endanik" center . Events dedicated to Armenia's Independence Day

"Endanik" Youth Creative Center of the Ministry of  SE  on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Armenia's independence on September 22 held an artistic event entitled "We Create a New Dawn"  and an exhibition of handmade creative works of  center's students.
The aim of the program was to make aware the adolescents with Armenia's Independence Day, as an expression of the joint will of the Armenian people, to appreciate the importance of the idea of having an independent statehood, to inspire the students the desire of protecting their homeland. Members of the Yerkrapah Volunteer Union Mushegh Navoyan   “Fighting Cross " 2nd degree medalist and Avetik Melkonyan, medalist of "Courage" , participants of the four-day April  war “Fighting Cross " 2nd degree medalist Rafayel Hovhannisyan, ,"Vargen Sargsyan" medalist Edgar Mkrtchyan, "Marshal Baghramyan" medalist Artyom Muradyan, Andranik Ozanyan medalist Razmik Hovhannisya "Endanik" center’s  graduates, educators, parents and students were present at the event. At first the attendees watched the thematic exhibition of handmade works by the students and then participated to the event which began by the performance of the RA National Anthem. The students solemnly read the clause of the Declaration of Independence of Armenia presented the state symbols, emphasizing the importance and necessity of statehood in the preservation of national identity. The performances of military-patriotic songs and dances impressed the audience; the hall was inspired by patriotic ideas and participants' performances, and joined their songs. The historical past of the Armenian people was also demonstrated by the slide show, intertwining with the 26-year-old independent Armenia's path. Then the performance was presented to the "The traveler of Eternity ", which was embodied in the heroes of all times, the images of intellectuals who have achieved the heights of science. The participants had to follow the example of heroes who created the history of Armenia to preserve and develop independent homeland which was obtained with difficulty, to fight for peace and security of state borders and become a transmitter of all future generations. The festive event ended with the "Kochari" triumphant dance performance by the students of the center’s dancing group which was joined by an enthusiastic audience. It should be noted that the event held in "Endanik" center was preceded by a festive event at Vardanants Square in Gyumri on September 21. The center actively participated in the city celebration event organized by N4 Vocational School and the 55035 military unit of the Gyumri garrison of the RA Ministry of Defense. The event was attended by representatives of the regional and local authorities and the military, soldiers and members of the Yerkrapah Volunteer Union. After watching the artistic performances of military parade, and army handgrip, the attention of the audience focused on the handmade works of the children of "Endanik" center, particularly the demonstration of robots designed and developed by robotic school students. Presenting their works, the students mentioned that they are working to develop new systems, trying to improve robots that have already created are ready to further develop their potential in the military-industrial sector of the country. And representatives of the military field got acquainted with the robots occupying prize-winning places in national competitions and asked the students questions about their application and usefulness in the country's security.