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Artashes Grigoryan

A R T A S H E S   G R I G O R Y A N

2016-2017 - “Gyumri Craftsman State School N4” SNCO of the Ministry of Education and Science of RA, Cook on Culinary Arts. 
2014-2016 – “Gyumri Information Technologies Center”, Web Technologies department, Web-prorammer. 
2014-2015 -  “Gyumri Craftsman State School N4” SNCO of the Ministry of Education and Science of RA, Computer Operator on Computer Maintenance.  
2008-2014 – “State Engineering University of Armenia”,  Information technologies /batchelor/     
1998-2008 – Gyumri Secondary School N10 after A. Petrosyan. 

Service in National
Professional experience    2017 – present - “Shirak Technology” LTD,  Web developer.
2017- Technical and economic service provider, “Endanik” Youth Creative Center    SNCO of the Ministry of Education and Science of RA.
2015-2017 – “ Brick Evolution”  LLC, Web developer.
2013 -2015 - Computer operator and graphic designer in “Endanik” Youth Creative Center SNCO of the Ministry of Education and Science of RA. 
2014-2017 -  Summer-rest Camp Programs, Scout Group Leader, instructor.     
2012-2017 –Joint summer school programs with  SPFA, Administrative Seniour Assistant to the Director  
 2008-2009 - Railway” Condominium, volunteer:  Computer Instructor /Windows, MS Office, Windows Movie Maker, Internet/. 
 2007- “Jinishyan Memorial Foundation” and “Youth’s Achievments” Educational   NGO in Gyumri Secondary School N10, Debate Club Senior Organizer   

Courses    2016 - Training course on Database Programming /Level 1,2/organized by Gyumri Technology Center   
2016 - Training course on JavaScript /Level 3, 4/ by Gyumri Technology Center
2016 - Training course on PHP Programming /Level 1, 2, 3/ by Gyumri Technology Center    
2014 - Participation in “Quick Start Methodology” project provided by “Gyumri Information Technologies Center” Educational Foundation.
2009-2010- Training courses  of accounting, “1C” and “AS- accoutant” at “FES House” Innovative Education International Centre. 
2009 - Participation in OSCE model conference in Rhetoric and Negotiation courses, organized by OSCE Office in Yerevan. 
2006-2007  - Training courses in “Applied Economics”, organized by Armenian “Junior  Achievements” NGO   

    2009 -  Gratitude certificate by “Railway” Condominium NGO.

Computer skills    PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Adobe CC package, CorelDRAW.
    Armenian (mother tongue),  Russian/ex./, French/sat./, English/good/
hobbies    Music, logic games and poetry.