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Svetlana Petrosyan

                    Mobile/Telephone number:           +374 93 844520
                     Date of birth:                                   09.12.1965
                      Nationality:                                     Armenian
                      Marital status:                                 married, 1 son



1991-2009 ”Endanik” SNCO Youth Creative Center of Gyumri, methodologist
2009-present”Endanik” SNCO Youth Creative Center of Gyumri, deputy director
1983- 1988 Leninakan State pedagogical Institute named after Mikayel Nalbandyan, department of Physics and Mathematics
1971- 1981 Secondary school , Shirak region, village Voskehask
1981- 1983 Secondary school with Mathematical bias, Leninakan.
1998 Courses of computer of State Architectural University of Armenia
2007 Courses on “Labor legislation” of the Republic of Armenia
2010 Courses on “Applied psychology”
2011 Subject courses on qualification of chess 
Armenian- excellent
Russian- good
English- satisfactory
MS Windows, Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Power Point,
Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw