From the 20th of June to the 12nd of July the Ministry of SE of ''Endanik'' Centre summed up the results of the 2015-2016 academic years. There were examined the professional annual activities of the groups. Through the reporting speeches, exhibitions held in the ''Endanik'' centre and in the communities of Shirak region; Basen, Goghovit, Yerazgavors, Torosgyugh, Jrarat, was evaluated and checked the knowledge and skills acquired by the students. On the whole, it was fruitful and over the saturated academic year. The results of the work of students and teachers during the year, was evident and satisfying, participation in numerous national and international painting competitions, tournaments, regional and local events, where the students registered serious achievements, occupying high prize positions. On the 8 of July during the final concert that was taken place in the ''Endanik'' Centre the students of the centre's dance group and students of dance, song, and dance, duduk groups from communities presented their best performances. The events were attended by headmasters of communities’ schools, distinguished artists, and craftsmen, educators, residents, students of the centre. The headmaster of ''Endanik'' Centre A. Minasyan handed over the prizes and certificates for high performances and to the talented students of the academic year.