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Cleaning day organized by "Endanik" center at "Ani" district

 To preserve the nature means to protect the homeland.
                                                                       M. M. Prishvin
On April 28 by "Endanik" Youth Creative Center of the Ministry of SE was held “Clean City, Clean Nature" cleaning day at "Ani" district. The students and teachers of the center joined together around one goal and a slogan that is to ensure environmental cleanliness and preserve the environment. The teenagers were divided into groups leading by teachers began cleaning activities in various sectors; center courtyard and the surrounding area. Neighborhood residents seeing the willingness and enthusiasm of students and also had involved in community activities. Center management and staff giving  importance of creating  green areas, organized  planting of trees and shrubs, ground processing and sowing lawn seed with students. The participants were lead with the " The environment need our help, let’s keep it clean "  idea during the whole work.