The progra
m is assigned for the teenagers of 10 to 18 ages.
The duration of the learning is 3 years.
There must be from 7 to 12 pupils in the group.
The form of learning may be in group or individually.
The duration of studies is 45 minutes for 1 lesson, from 6 to 8 classes weekly.
The learning process is realized through practical classes. The classroom is bright and comfortable for the organization of the learning process.
The classroom is also provided with all the necessary supplies and materials for the learning process: duduk /Armenian national pipe/, reed-pipe, music paper, pencil.
The pupils of the group of duduk learn to use the instrument properly, to keep the rules of the usage of the instrument, to do the exercises for the articulation of the sound of duduk and for the control of breath, they also master performing art and aqcuire appropriate musical knowledge, get acquainted with the art of famous Armenian duduk masters, their musical heritage and with the entire structure of the instrument.
During the academic year reporting concerts are organized to demonstrate the results of the pupils' works.
The result of the learning:
- The development of interest towards duduk,
- The improvement of pupils’ musical knowledge,
- The acquisition of performing art of duduk,
- The achievement of correct professional orientation,
- The appropriate and effective organization of everyday life.