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New Year's Joyful Event in ''Endanik'' centre

The 24th  of December in the Ministry of SE of ''Endanik'' Youth Creative Centre began Christmas and New Year celebrations. New Year festive atmosphere and high spirit brought together students of the centre, parents, and children of adjacent Pre-schools. The hall was filled with New Year's spirit where began children’s tale of dreams and emotions. The puppet show entitled "The Beasts of the Forest," staged with the participation of talented students of different groups caused great fun to the children. They introduced the eternal struggle between good and evil through the fairy tales' and forest animal’s characters. Like all fairy tales, in New Year's fairy tale also won the powerful kindness. The children's festive high spirit was fulfilled by coming Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Children with their songs, dances, games and puzzles made the event joyful and received presents from Santa. Children’s favourite characters expressed best wishes to the attendees by wishing welcome to the New Year and fulfillment most cherished dreams.