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″Endanik ″center. Open concert dedicated to International Music Day

                        National music is a standard of measure,
                        how great the music is, the nation is just as great.
On October 23, in "Endanik " Youth Creative Center took place  a concert entitled "Melody" which was dedicated to the International Day of Music. The event was aimed at presenting Armenian pianist Komitas, to value the duduk as a national instrument, to develop the musical taste of the students as well as contribute to professional advancement of the pupils and strengthen their performing capabilities. The concert with the participation of the students of the Center's folk song and dance, duduk groups was unique and impressive. The audience enjoyed dance and musical performances jointly prepared by different groups. The folk group presented some inspiring patriotic songs and songs of great Komitas, dance group presented national traditional dances and spectacular performances, while the duduk group pupils sounded the tone of the most favorite and old musical instrument. The impressive for the audience was the dance performance shown during the song “April for living” which was a unique challenge of participating students to live in peace and harmony with all nations. At the end of the event, the director of "Endanik" centre A. Minasyan had made a surprise for Anzhela Papikyan from the painting group. In April 2017 in the Canadian province of Japan “In the 19th International Children's World Exhibition", Angela Papikyan's work took the first place in the 12-year age group, winning the diploma, which the headmaster awarded her. The event proved once more that we are bearers of ancient cultural heritage; it is the moral responsibility to preserve and transmit to future generations.