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"Culture without Borders" Regional Festival

On the initiative of the Ministry of SE of Youth Creative Centre on the 5th of June the festival was held entitled "Culture without Borders" in the Yerazgavors community of Shirak region. The aim of the festive was to strengthen ties between communities of Shirak region, to promote the revival of cultural life, to identify and learn about the typical characteristics of communities, legends, traditions, symbolic objects of national importance. The former capital of the Bagratuni hosted under his roof the pupils from Ashotsk, Basen, Goghovit, Yerazgavors, Torosgyugh, Jrarat, Tsoghamarg communities, students from ‘’Endanik’’ centre, as well as the brass band of Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan from Culture Department, drumming ensembles from the Mother See Holy Etchmiadzin and from the Armenian General Benevolent Union  Malatya‘’ Hayordats Tun.’’ The governor of Shirak region H. Simonyan, spokeswoman for the Minister of Defense A. Hovannisyan, provincial officials, community leaders, headmasters and teachers of educational and cultural, experts and local residents attended to the regional festival. The festival was blessed by priest Ter Makar Galandaryan who, the holding of such a large-scale event referred as another occasion to learn about the culture, noting, that one developing the strong culture and the nation is invincible. During the event, each community presented its objects distinctive to their area and unique objects of the cultural value range of goods, which has contributed to their ancestors. Crafts Exhibited handmade works of crafts and arts groups students of ‘’Endanik’’ centre caused great interest among community dwellers and guests. Individual performances of pupils and adolescents, including national songs and the music, sounds really turned the day into a big celebration day. Dance groups from the centre and communities presented an ethnographic "Papyri" dance performance, the traditional march and round dance followed them made the event completed and unity. It became an important impulse for cultural dialogue between communities, vivid expression of solidarity and unity. At the end of the event headmaster of the Ministry of SE of youth creative centre A. Minasyan awarded Brass Band, drumming ensemble and community schools with certificates, diplomas, and prizes, for active participation in the regional festival. Regional Governor of Shirak H. Simonyan expressed his gratitude to the organizers for this initiative. We're always worrying about that everything is centralized in the capital. Today is a very nice and important day for me because cultural events are decentralized and transferred to the communities. This is very important initiative, I welcome this idea, noted the regional governor.