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"Endanik" center. An open lesson entitled "The descendants of a bard”

On March 20, "Endanik" Youth Creative Center of the Ministry of Education and Science held an open lesson dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Gusan Sheram.
The lesson aims to introduce Sheram's ashugh art, to value his creative activity as an Armenian cultural treasure.
The event was opened with a joint performance by art and dance groups and continued with a small video about Sheram. Through the Armenian musical instrument, the duduk group's pupils in their own way performed the valuable, "silken" songs of  Gusan Sheram, sprinkled with beautiful memories of her biography.
The simplicity and light works of Gyumri's  '' master'' were performed in such  a pure way by the students, that bringing the audience closer to Sheram ashugh's  art and caused great joy and admiration.
At the end of the open lesson, headmaster of the center Arthur Minasyan congratulated the young duduk players for paying attention to ashugh art, striving to present Sheram's works properly and to become deserving descendants of the greatest creators.
"We have a moral responsibility to preserve and transmit our ancient cultural heritage to future generations." This slogan was at the heart of the event, which the class participants promised to continue with honor.