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Creative journalism

The program is assigned for the teenagers of 13 to 18 ages.
The duration of the learning is 2 years.
There must be from 8 to 15 pupils in the group.
The form of learning may be in group or individually.
The duration of studies is 45 minutes for 1 lesson, from 6 to 8 classes weekly.
The classroom is provided with modern techniques, such as sound recorder, camera, computer, projector and another necessary things, which will help in organizing the purposeful learning, in giving to the teenagers theoretical knowledge and practical skills, in providing their professional qualification.
In the frame of learning program the teenagers get acquainted with theory and basics of journalism, with informational genres, with features of communication, of perception, processing and reporting of information, with displaying correctly in different situations.
During the learning process the great attention is paid to the enrichment of not only professional but also non professional knowledge, to the formation of worldview, to the expansion of the thinking, to the expression of the innate endowment. 
The pupils of the group of the creative journalism elucidate and actively take part in the events organized in the center.
The result of the learning:
The development of the abilities of communication and world cognition, of listening to the others, of understanding and giving thoughtful responses.
The knowledge and differentiation of the types of journalistic genres.
The acquisition and maintenance of the basic principles of journalism.
The development of abilities of objective elucidating of the gained information.
The obtaining of the right choice of profession.
The appropriate and effective organization of the everyday life.