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“Endanik” center: An event entitled " Understood life is Immortality" dedicated to the sacred martyrs of Vardanants

You are sweet my land,                                                                     
There is no sweeter name than you,                                
But in the perilous hour of danger,                                               
When the enemy threatens,                                           
You become more than sweeter.              
                                                                                                                                         Nairi Zaryan 
From February 26 to 28, the events " Understood life is Immortality" dedicated to the Sacred Martyrs of Vardanants were organized in "Endanik" Youth Creative Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RA.                                
The goal of the project was to present the holiday, to promote patriotic ideas among adolescents, to appreciate the unprecedent deeds of the Vardanants, to emphasize the role of an Armenian soldier in the protection of the native land.    
On February 26 and 27 thematic video materials’ review and roundtable discussions were held. As a result of the analysis and statements of questions, the center's students came to the conclusion that the Armenian soldier is the living sword and shield of his Motherland and the eternal protector of Armenian dignity. 
An art event entitled ‘’The time gives birth to the devoted Armenian sons’’ was also implemented within the framework of the project.
The participants of the event, guided by the slogan "For the sake of faith, for the sake of homeland", presented the struggle of the Armenian people and their willingness to face difficult trials. The pupils who embodied the characters of Vardanants' heroes presented to the audience the great and virtuous breath of the heroes. Sparapet Vardan Mamikonyan's exhortation to his soldiers was very impressive. He appealed not to fear and be afraid of the Pagans and be united. 
During the event, the students drew parallels between the defenders of the Motherland of different epochs: from the Battle of Vardanants, from the heroic battles of Sardarabad, Bash-Aparan and Gharakilisa to our days.  
The participants remembered the names of the heroes who always would be in the grateful hearts of people and expressed their admiration via the dance and lightning candles.  
The event was summed up with the victorious dance "Shushi", which the pupils presented to the Armenian heroes and defenders of the Motherland of all times. 
M. Torosyan 