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″ Endanik ″center. Summary of Academic year

From July 1 to 7, ″ Endanik″ Youth Creative Centre of the Ministry of SE summered up 2016-2017 Academic year. The annual activity of the professional groups was examined and the results of the pupils were examined too. This year was also effective. This was evidenced by the achievements of the students in various fields; dance, singing, information technology, painting, chess, kyokushinkay  karate.  Number of students have registered significant success in international, national and regional competitions and tournaments, occupying the highest prize-winning places. A variety of urban, regional and regional events were organized and implemented at the center's initiative, which played an important role in the implementation of students’ educational process, contributed to the students' military- patriotic education, to strengthen, professional knowledge, as well as the development of creative abilities.
On July 6, during  ″ Endanik″ centre's reporting concert the the students of  dance, folk songs and dance, duduk, fighting art, clothes design, hairdressing  groups from centre and communities   presented their performances. Tests , reporting speeches and exhibitions were also held in rural communities of Ashotsk, Goghovit, Torosgyugh, Yerazgavors, Tsogamarg,  of Shirak region. The students presented the audience with their skills learned during the academic year, capacity and performance skills. The results of the educators and students hard work was visible. Appreciation and gratitude words  were said to administration and the staff of the center for their selfless and dedicated work.
"Here I really found family warmth, and my son managed to find himself in his favorite field. They loved him and he loved teachers very much, and go to the classes with great pleasure. Thanks for administration , " said parent Margarit Manukyan.
Center headmaster Arthur Minasyan awarded talented students with encouraging diplomas and awarded students who showed outstanding performance during the academic year, wishing them new professional successes.