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On April 29 at 14:00 am “Endanik” youth creative center of the ministry of SE of the RA will hold a seminar in the frame of the program entitled “The silent witnesses of the history” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the sports and cultural center of Ashotsq of Shirak region of the Republic of Armenia.The themes of the seminar are:• “The preservation of monuments”• “International day of monuments and places of interests, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the... Read more
 On April 21 at 14:00 am “Endanik” youth creative center of the ministry of SE of the RA will hold a seminar in the frame of the program entitled “The silent witnesses of the history” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the secondary school of Goghovit. The themes of the seminar are:• “The preservation of monuments”• “International days of monuments and places of interests dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first world war”.The seminar is for the... Read more
 On April 17 at 14:00 am in the secondary school of the village Toros in the frame of the program entitled “The silent witnesses of the history” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Endanik” youth creative center of the ministry of SE of the RA “will hold• A seminar on the theme “Genocide”• Screening and discussions of a documentary film on the following theme “Historical and cultural monuments of Western Armenia”.The seminar is for the pupils of 12-18 ages.The... Read more
 On April 17 at 14:00 am in the secondary school of the village Toros in the frame of the program entitled “The silent witnesses of the history” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Endanik” youth creative center of the ministry of SE of the RA “will hold• A seminar on the theme “Genocide”• Screening and discussions of a documentary film on the following theme “Historical and cultural monuments of Western Armenia”.The seminar is for the pupils of 12-18 ages.The... Read more
On April 14 at 14:00 am in the secondary school of the Tsoghamarg in the frame of the program entitled “The silent witnesses of the history” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide “Endanik” youth creative center will hold of  the ministry of SE of the RA• A seminar on the theme “Genocide”• Screening and discussions of a documentary film on the following theme “Historical and cultural monuments of Western Armenia”.The seminar is for the pupils of 12-18 ages.The number... Read more
In the frame of the program entitled “The silent witnesses of the history” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will be hold seminars for the pupils of 13-18 ages in the “Endanik” youth creative center of  ministry of SE of the RAThe themes of the seminars are:• “Genocide” on April 10 of this year at 15:00am• “The preservation of monuments” and “International days of monuments and places of interests dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first world war” on... Read more
 On April 2, 2015 an artistic event entitled “The breath of the spring” will take place in “Endanik” youth creative center. 
 On April 2, 2015 at 15:00 a round-table discussion, entitled “The motivations, consequences and international reactions of the Genocide” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Armenian Genocide will take place in “Endanik” Youth Creative Center.
On March 27, 2015, an artistic event dedicated to the day of the theatre will take place in the hall of “Endanik” youth creative center.  
Creative contest entitled “The color of the pain” ahead to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. "Endanik" youth creative center of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Armenia  has  organized a creative contest entitled “The color of the pain”.The contest is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.The contest is open to following two age groups, for 10-14 and 15-18-years-old teenagers.Works of different styles of applied-decorative... Read more