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"Dance Art of Nations on One Stage" artistic event dedicated to International Dance Day

  "Dance expresses the characteristic features of each nation, especially the manners and level of civilization."

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Komitas Vardapet ( Teacher)

On April 29, the students of the dance group of "Endanik" center performed an artistic event dedicated to the International Dance Day, presenting the dance art of different nations.

  Dance art is a bridge between civilizations, nations and people, as well as a unique way of presenting one's history, dialogue and communication. They presented the features, stories and movements of the dance art of different nations in their own way.

The dance culture of ancient countries with their originality was included in the program. The students not only embodied the dance performances of each nation, but also presented the stories of their creation. In the movement of Armenian culture, the role and significance of dance is important, because they reflect the life, feelings, national customs and values of Armenian people. The international holiday was another opportunity for the students of the dance group of the center to present the contribution and the great contribution to the development path of the grateful people of this branch of art culture, which has a history of thousands of years. "Endanik" center emphasizes cooperation with other dance ensembles as well, because it is not only contact, but also the best way to exchange experience. The cooperating cultural institution this time was the "Goharner" dance ensemble, the joint artistic performances on one stage made the event even more meaningful and colorful.

Educators and parents of the center were present at the artistic event. The latter expressed their gratitude to choreographer Anna Parunakyan and the management of "Endanik" center for the important mission of forming a civilized generation and gently instilling art in students.
