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Endanik” SNCO Youth Creative Center . Patriotic Summer School Programme entitled“Powerful Defender of the Homeland”

From 18 June to 26 June “Endanik” SNCO Youth Creative Center of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport implemented a patriotic youth summer school programmed entitled “Powerful defender of the homeland” in Vanadzor.
The programme was attended by the students who show outstanding and professional achievements during the academic year: students of “Endanik” Youth Creative Center, Gyumri Vocational State College № 4, Republic of Georgia’s "Hayartun" center in Tbilisi as well as youths of Samtskhe-Javakheti region.
The purpose of the summer school was to support the strengthening of participants’ friendly relations, to create a regional cultural dialogue, to contribute to the process of forming a person with rich patriotic ideas, to improve youth’s knowledge of Preliminary Military Training and secure lifestyle, military service in national army, knowledge concerning IT field as well as to organize professional trainings in   national crafts and arts.
The first day the participants of summer school met with the Prelate of the Gugarats Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, His Grace Bishop Sepuh Chuljian and received his blessing.
Within the framework of the project were organized and implemented multi-content events.
Adolescents from different regions actively participated in various seminars like “Importance of Alternative Energy in Armenia”, “Ways of Developing Robotics and Communication Devices”, “Importance of entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship in the development of the country's economy”, “Environment”, “Prevent smoking”, “Healthy food”, “How to prepare a competent CV”, “How to write a motivation letter”, “How to introduce yourself to an employer?” topics that were presented by invited experts and were the subject of discussion.
Using the modern technologies the students
 After watching the robots created by the students of the center using innovative technologies and listening to the experience of Aram Khachatryan, a student of the University of Tartu, Estonia, the teenagers became more interested in the IT field.
The program featured historical events and heroic episodes about the invincible spirit of patriots, patriotism, devotion and courage through feature films and documentaries.
With the help of military games and exercises, the participants learned about the daily life of the army during which all of them were noticed by their high level of physical training and overcame tasks set before them.
For summer school participants it was unexpectedly to take part in first aid organized by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, evacuation training courses where adolescents were able to apply and demonstrate the knowledge gained during the workshop, properly organize the sequence of actions in an emergency.
There was held football, volleyball, tennis and badminton competitions to promote teenagers' healthy