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An event entitled “The Taste of France” in "Endanik" centre

On April 17, in “Endanik” Youth Creative Center of the Ministry of SE was held an event entitled “The Taste of France” dedicated to the celebration of Francophone day.
The aim of the event was to create love and interest in French language, to strengthen the importance of culinary art in intercultural relations, comparing Armenian and French cuisine. The event was attended by guests from France, and the representatives of SPFA organization, representatives of KASA Swiss Humanitarian Foundation, as well as school teachers, lecturers and parents. The hall was decorated with French and Armenian shades. The event began with song and dance performances of the students of Armenian dance and folk dancing and singing groups. Students’ patriotic and emotional songs aroused admiration among attendees. Then the students of French group presented the features of French and Armenian culinary art which was accompanied by slide show. The students performed French and Armenian scenic episodes, showing the differences and similarities between the culinary arts of two countries. During the performances were shown beautiful and harmonious dance performances, under French music and the sounds of the Armenian duduk. During the second part of the event certificates were given to Janik Manisyan the Director  of the organization SPFA, to Siam Atiayin the voluntary of KASA Swiss Humanitarian Foundation of Gumri city, in particular to contribute to the  development and spreading of French language among the teenagers of “Endanik” centre.
The event was ended with a speech of center’s headmaster Arthur Minasyan, afterwards guests were invited to partake.  