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Events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence

From September 22 to 26 the Ministry of SE of ‘’Endanik’’ Center held different  kind of events devoted to the 25th anniversary of independence of  Republic of Armenia and Republic of Nagorno Karabakh. The goal of the program was to bring teenagers from Artsakh, Javakhk together to the Independence Day, to aware of the Independence Day as the expression of collective will of the Armenian people, to present the achievements of 25 years of two independent states in various fields and overcome difficulties in the establishment of the state, to contribute to the strengthening of military-patriotic education of the younger generation, to instill the  idea of  unity in difficult  confronting   situations. Pupils took part in various activities, cognitive tours, seminars, meetings, ceremonies within the program. The familiarization tour organized to Harichavank was impressive and memorable for teenagers. The monastic complex as a jewel of medieval architecture fascinated the participants with its magnificent structure. Spiritual communication continued in “Yot Verck” /Seven Wounds/ church of Gyumri where schoolchildren were given the blessing of the priest Hovhannes Alexandrian and rose unified prayer voice to God. The participants’ next stop was the house-museums of Hovhannes Shiraz, Av. Poet and M. Mkrtchyan. The enthusiasm of teenagers from Artsakh and Javakhk, their desire to discover new details about the Armenian famous peoples and about the remarkable facts was evident. The seminar on the theme ‘’Free and independent Armenia’’, the  intellectual competitions and meetings with writers and members of the Yerkrapah Union of Volunteers, teenagers’ expressed views during the discussions showed that the younger generation is ready to fight and to preserve their independence. On 24th of September teenagers from Artsakh and Javakhk also participated in the first phase of the program entitled ’Endanik 25. The story is going on’’ devoted to the 25th anniversary of ‘’Endanik’’ center, which was celebrated in the center. The military orchestra played the national anthem, which was followed by Armenia, Artsakh and Javakhk teenagers march through the National flag. After participating in ceremonies Thanksgiving monument, a jubilee exhibition, operation of elevator, the bas-relief of the Armenian alphabet, opening ceremonies of ‘’Mesrop's alphabet ‘’ reading hall , the  guests  and attendants were present at the awards ceremony and celebration  in the hall. Students of different groups of the Center, adolescants from Artsakh and Javakhk performed artistic performances of song and dance ensembles. They organized visits to attractions and historic places of Armenia, Echmiadzin and Sardarapat Memorial and Matenadaran with the aim of enrichment the adolecsants knowledge and their recognition on national cultural values. Participants expressed their impressions and assessment of the program on the poster made together. Works which were made together became a symbol of victory, of eternity, strength, unity and friendship expression which characterized the history and the present of the country, cultural values and state symbols.