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Exhibition entitled "Armenian national dances" in communities of Shirak region

From May 22-24 ″Endanik″   Youth Creative Сenter of the Ministry of SE held exhibition of painting entitled "Armenian national dances" in communities Tsoghamarg, Torosghyugh, Goghovit of Shirak region. The aim of the exhibition was to form strive of maintaining national values, to develop teenagers capabilities and creative skills. There were present educators from ″Endanik″ centre, headmasters of communities’ schools, employees, parents, students and community residents on the exhibition. Before creating on the topic students have studied Armenian traditional dances, Armenia's national costumes and their typical originality of different regions and expressed all their ideas in their creations. Before watching the exhibition they presented information on the subject after which the participants with great interest were introduced and gave their assessment of the works done by students aged 5-18. The authors of the best works from communities were awarded diplomas. Students' parents thanked the administration of "Endanik" center for organizing extracurricular education of their children, for making them communicating the cultural values and providing their busyness.