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The First Phase of the Educational Program Entitled ‘‘Endanik on the Wheels'’

From the 27th of June in the ''Endanik'' Centre launched the first phase of the educational program entitled ‘‘Endanik on the Wheels'’. Nineteen educators attended 5 days training courses from the Armenian mountainous and border communities / Qarakert of the Armavir region, Kamo of Shirak Region, Horom, Nor Kyanq, Shirak, Sarnaghbyur, Saratak/. The aim of the program was to focus on the role of extracurricular education, by organizing training and practical classes to contribute to the activation of the cultural and educational life. The participating teachers were introduced to the important role of education and extracurricular issues, individual and differentiated forms of teaching, activities of the professional groups of the centre examined the implementation of the community research, detection of the methods of adolescents’ educational needs, forms of educational programs and preparation of thematic plans. In addition to theoretical courses, extracurricular education implementation educators took part also in practical courses of different groups of the centre. The program results were summarized during the roundtable discussion, which was attended by the headmaster of ''Endanik" Centre, employees, and educators participating. They have highly appreciated the activities of the Centre for adolescent's employment assurance, education and the identification of gifted students. They welcomed the idea of the project and cooperation in border and remote communities, stressed that the solution to the problem of youth-targeted employment will contribute to the development of communities. The headmaster of ''Endanik'' Centre A. Minasyan congratulated the participants and handed them certificates of participation in training courses. The enthusiasm of the teachers and the desire to make the continuing program long-term and in-depth was great. Their expressed impressions and recommendations about the educational program stated that result was really satisfying, expectations are justified.