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Launch of military-patriotic youth school program entitled "Homeland is strong with devotees"

 “Endanik” Youth Creative Center of the Ministry of SE has launched a military-patriotic youth summer school program entitled "Homeland is Strong with devotees". The goal of the project is to promote to the education of a person rich in national, universal human values and patriotic ideas, through various events to raise pre - military age teenagers’ awareness of the national army, to strengthen the knowledge of adolescents’ military education. 75 teenagers aged 13-17 from Armenia, Artsakh, Javakhk as well as Syrian Armenians are taking part in the military patriotic youth summer school.
During the program it is planned to organize activities contributing to the military-patriotic upbringing;
• training exercises and games,
• civil defense exercises;
• first aid and evacuation practical courses;
• seminar-discussions; on the theme " The priority of army building in the process of national security ", " The Role of the Radio in the Army ", "The deeds  of Today's Heroes",
• meetings with participants of April military operations, with  military unit officers and members of the Yerkrapah Volunteer Union. 