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Launch of military-patriotic youth school program entitled "Homeland is strong with devotees"

The guests of the Summer School were Arkady Petrosyan the Head of Sport –military and extracurricular Department of the Ministry of Education and Science, Board Members, Yerkrapah Volunteers Union representatives and participants of April military operations. The member of the Yerkrapah Union, freedom fighter, Major of Medical Service "For liberation of Shushi " and "Mkhitar Heratsi" medalist Harutyun Kirakosyan, told the teenagers about the heroic episodes of liberation Shushi , he also spoke enthusiastically about the feats of now -day heroes from 18 to 20 years old , expressing conviction that thanks to devoted young people, the country is now in safe hands. And Sergeant Edgar Mkrtchyan the graduate of Gyumri State Vocational School No. 4, the participant of the April war, who was awarded with "Vazgen Sargsyan" award, modestly keeping silent about his deed, shared his military experience and military knowledge with future soldiers. The campers presented the guests a festive event learning together within a few days, titled "Homeland is Strong with its devotees", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Armenian Army, and combined with national songs and dances. By the end of a full day of patriotic manifestations, Major Kirakosyan and Drastamat Kanayan medalist lieutenant Gevorgyan mentioned that as long as there are similar centers and implemented such events to promote military-patriotic upbringing of young people, the elder generation can confidently hand over the defense of the country to the youth.