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"In memory of Genocide" "Endanik" centre

″Endanik″ Youth Creative centre of the Ministry of SE within the frame of the program "In memory of Genocide” has announced a competition still in February, which was attended by students of various groups of the center, representing individual and group works of different styles of decorative and applied arts. On April 24, the remarkable work was done by the pupils of radio group, who, based on temporary special license which was given to ″Endanik″ centre by Public Services Regulatory Commission, found direct contacts with the radio amateurs from different countries once again reminded the world and informed about the Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottoman Turkey in 1915. Call-sign will last about a month, during which the students will communicate with more than 100 countries around the world. It will be mentioned that the radio station of ″Endanik″ centre is one of two amateur collective radio stations in RA. On April 29, as the result of the contest the best creative works of students were chosen and as a reward 35 students visited to Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex with their educators. Students paid tribute to the innocent victims, they learned about the tragic episodes of century’s history, authentic details and material evidence, in Armenian Genocide Museum.They left impressed and  with sad thoughts , with the desire of achieving the triumph of justice. The students continued their cognitive visit to Matenadaran one of the most important places of national memory and storage. Adolescents gained interesting information on the Armenian centuries-old rich history and on material inheritance, getting acquainted with original works, samples of ancient Armenian manuscripts and documents. Especially the century’s old illustrated works of creators caused great interest among them. The day was a learning experience for students, useful and a full range of information.

