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The message of peace from the lips of children to the world. The New Year event of the "Endanik" center for the children of Artsakh

The message of peace from the lips of children to the world. The New Year event at the "Endanik" center for the children from Artsakh.

A colorful stage, a fun theatrical performance for a small audience, and the audience is more than a hundred displaced Artsakh students attending various clubs of the "Endanik" MPS Center. To make the day of the latter impressive and to fill it miraculously, the students of the center played a theatrical performance. The play and the whole program had a single message of peace. The wishes and messages of the children of Artsakh are aimed at establishing peace, they wrote their wishes in the Christmas cards and decorated the Christmas tree with them, hoping that the wishes will come true. Artsakh children also sang and performed interesting dances. Young volunteers from the organization ʺŒuvre d'Orientʺ, a faithful partner of the centre, were invited, we organized fun games and competitions together, then sent a message of peace and Christmas in French to the Christian nations spread throughout the world.

"When the old year and the new year meet, in all corners of the planet people raise their glasses. In different languages ​​of the world, this wish is most heard: that peace be in the whole world, that and people's hearts be at peace. Peace for everyone and everywhere is what we wish for the whole world."

During the event, Santa Claus and his granddaughter distributed Christmas gifts to students in Artsakh from the "Entanik" center. The gifts were wrapped for the children with affection by the students of the State Craftsman School N4 of Gyumri, proving once again that we are ready to help all those in need, that the humanitarian actions of the benefactors have served as an example.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We thank the organization ʺŒuvre d'Orientʺ for having supported throughout the year more than a hundred children attending the ʺEndanikʺ center and their families displaced from Artsakh and refugees in the Shirak region.
