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There is the most beautiful creature in the world,
One who we are always grateful for. She is Mother.
                                                                                                                N. Ostrovsky
On... Read more

On April 13, in ''Endanik'' Youth Creative Centre of the Ministry of SE as the results of the announced competition within the framework of the program ''In memory of the Armenian Genocide'' had been summed up by the evaluation committee. Forty - nine teenagers aged 14-18 involved in competition were recognized... Read more
On April 10,11 ''Endanik'' Youth Creative Centre of the Ministry of SE in Gyumri and in  Ashotsk 's  Sports and Cultural Center of Shirak region  held an event entitled ''April for living'' dedicated to the daring fellows martyred on April war, the heroes participating in military operations, were also... Read more
On April 12, the Ministry of SE of ''Endanik'' Youth Creative centre within the framework of the program dedicated to the 200th anniversary of great Armenian seascapes painter  Hovhannes Aivazovsky held the first seminar on the theme '' Aivazovsky's roots, seascapes painting from  the middle 

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On April 9, at Gyumri's Municipality complex Sport School after Aram Sargsyan took place an Open Championship of International order called "Oyama's Cup" dedicated to M. Oyama the founder of Kyokushinka Karate. 110 athletes participated in that championship from Russia, Georgia, Yerevan and from different regions of Armenia, as... Read more
On March 31, in ‘’Endanik’’ Youth Creative Centre of the Ministry of SE took place an artistic event entitled "Beauty will Save the World''  within the framework of events dedicated to Maternity and Beauty  Day, with the participation of students of Clothes Modeling, design and Hair Dressing Art groups. The goal was... Read more
On March 27, in the Ministry of SE of Youth Creative Centre an artistic event took place entitled ''The Call of My Soul'' dedicated to the International Day of Theater. The aim of the event was to improve the importance of the theatre in social life and in upbringing of generations, to rise the interest... Read more
 To preserve the nature means to protect the homeland.
                                                                       M. M. Prishvin
On April 28 by "Endanik" Youth Creative Center of the... Read more
From March 13 to 24, in Gyumri’s Chess School after Tigran  Petrosian was held a spring qualifying tournament for the beginners 4th and 3rd class, 23 participants took part from the center's chess group. Around 106 participants from various educational institutions, sport schools were... Read more
On March 24, in ‘’Endanik’’ Youth Creative Centre of the Ministry of SE  launched series of events entitled ''Look at the World through Bright-eyes''  with the exhibition dedicated to Maternity and Beauty month. The event aimed to develop students' aesthetic taste, to submit their creative abilities.... Read more