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The national craft and art professional orientation classes for the students of Shirakavan secondary school were also held in an atmosphere of warm and direct contact. The pedagogues of  "Endanik" center, before proceeding to the practical work of the master classes, presented the stories of craft and art branches... Read more


Meghrashat is one of the border communities of the Amasya region, it has a small number of students, for whom it is very difficult to get to the center of the region, to attend professional art and craft classes. "Endanik on the Wheels" educational and cultural program has been filling the gap of extracurricular... Read more


Voghji is one of the mountain villages of Amasiya region. Schoolchildren's daily life is limited and they are almost cut off from the opportunities to be interested in the cultural values ​​... Read more


In the sports and cultural center of the mountain Ashotsk community of Shirak region, the educational and cultural program "Endanik on the wheels" was participated by the teenagers attending the community's educational institutions and from the center. Interested in art and craft master classes under one roof, the... Read more


Within the framework of  "Endanik on the wheels" educational and cultural program, the educators and gifted students of  "Endanik" center continue to visit mountain and border communities of Shirak region.


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At the invitation of the "Business and Education Partnership" Foundation, the director of the "Kara and Karen" LLC Foundation, Karine Ghukasyan, held a seminar on the topic "Patriotism: the guarantee of a strong motherland" at the youth summer school.

The specialists of the field presented the... Read more



Youth summer school program under the title "Patriotism: the guarantee of a powerfull motherland" of "Endanik" center of Ministery of Science Education Culture and Sport of the RA... Read more


Les élèves des ateliers de peinture et de batik du centre créatif pour enfants "Entanik" du Ministère de l’Éducation, de la Science, de la Culture et du Sport de la RA ont ​​organisé une leçon ouverte dans le cadre du projet intitulé "La diversité des cultures francophones" dédiés au 30e... Read more


"As an artist, I belong to French art, but in all my works I will certainly remain Armenian. After all, we are all the fragments of our people. ”

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Proffesional classes are continue... Read more