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"Endanik " on the Wheels" sammury of the 1st stage educational program

On March 26, the first stage of  "Endanik" on the Wheels" educational program was launched at                        "Endanik " Youth Creative Center of the Ministry of Education and Science.
About 18 educators  from upland and bordering communities of Shirak region /Aghin, Ashotsk, Bagravan, Mets Mantash, Pokr Mantash, Dzorakap, Haykadzor, Jrapi, Maralik/ and educators from Javakhk's educational and cultural centers took part in the training on extracurricular education, project development and implementation skills. The aim of the educational program was to highlight the role of extracurricular education through the organization of training courses and practical training, to identify and promote the professional skills of educators.
Svetlana Petrosyan, the Deputy Director of the Center, presented the training program and its importance to the participants, as well as the results  achieved in previous years.
During the 5-day training, the teachers studied the following themes; ''The importance and problems of extracurricular education of 5-18 years old teens", "The importance of individual and coherent teaching in the extracurricular education process", "Methods of compiling professional and tutorial work programs", " The implemantion  of Community research and Investigation of additional education needs of Detection Methods".
Through group work and role-play, educators presented their own community issues, the need to teach preferred professions, prospects for their development, as well as their professional and educational work programs.
The project beneficiaries with the trainee pedagogue Anush Mkrtchyan,  discussed and analysed their practical assignments and its effectiveness.
Besides of theoretical courses in the field of extracurricular education, pedagogues, according to their preferred professions, participated in practical trainings in the center's teaching groups. The Center's specialists transferred their skills and professional experience to community educators with great diligance.
On March 30, the results of training sessions were summarized, round-table discussions, with the derectorate of  "Endanik" center, staff and trained teachers. The latter highly appreciated the Center's activities in the field of craft and art, employment, education, professional orientation of teens and discovery of talented pupils. They welcomed the idea of implementing the project and collaborating with the borderline, highland communities.
During the joint discussions, numerous questions and suggestions were voiced about the organization of the training and prospects for further cooperation.
Center's headmaster Artur Minasyan congratulated the participants of the program and handed them certificates of participation in training courses.
The impressions and recommendations made by the trainees on the educational program proved that the result was really satisfying, and all expectations were justified.