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New achievements of the students of "Endanik " Center

On February 11, 2022, the students of  "Endanik"  SNCO center took part in the 50th international children's and youth creative competition titled "Museum" in Lidice, Czech Republic, organized in cooperation with UNESCO.

The center's groups of pottery, carpet making, quilting, batik, painting, clothing desing, silversmithing,

 presented 35 group and individual works. These were awarded certificates of appreciation.

The Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Armenia, Sabina Novakova, the representative of the embassy, Maria Zalyan, visited "Endanik" Children's and Youth Creative center. The Deputy Ambassador Sabina Novakova personally handed the gifts and letters of thanks to the students participating in the competition. The guests  touring  in  center, got acquainted with the cultural life of the institution, the handicrafts of the students, which are presented in the exhibition halls. The latter shared their impressions, expressing their admiration for the talent of gifted students and the multi-content programs of the center. The deputy ambassador urged the students of the center to participate in the international competition of fine arts announced in Lidice next year.

"We are very happy and it is nice that "Endanik" participates in this competition every year, you gave very good results, you always have winners, this year we had two individual winners: Anahit Gevorgyan's  and Lilya Hovsepyan's works are interesting, we heartily congratulate to the girls for their beautiful works, three group works were also the best, where the students put in a lot of effort to get unrepeatable works. I should mention that the exhibition is open in Lidice and your works are shown there. We urge you to participate in the following years, I am sure you will have winners again and our cooperation will continue," said Sabina Novakova, Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Armenia.

"Step by step our cooperation will deepen, and we tend to implement any projects to develop our cooperation. I suggest to you that if there are educators and students from similar institutions in the Czech Republic, we are kindly invited to Gyumri for both experience exchange and acquaintance, it will be a direct connection, an intercultural dialogue. Our doors are open to everyone," said Artur Minasyan, the headmaster of  "Endanik" Children and Youth Creative Center.
