The students of the French language group of "Endanik" Youth Creative center presented the biography of the most read poet of the 17th century, French proverb writer Jean de La Fontaine, and his legacy in the literary world. Then a comparison was made with Armenian fable writers, and it was also commented on what the translation is. Let's quote: "Translators are rarely mentioned, while they deserve the Nobel Prize."
The open class was attended by leaders of French SPFA organization, guests from France, representatives of Swiss humanitarian foundation KASA, as well as educators and parents of the center, who have strengthened close cooperation and friendly ties with"Endanik" center since its foundation.
Students told the guests five of the poet's fables, in the original and in Armenian translation, presenting their moral aspect. The animated video slide of the fables was also shown, and then the students presented the content of the fables to the audience more vividly through a video monologue.
The collaboration with the painting group was also remarkable, students Karapet Mkrtchyan, Hayk Sargsyan and Aida Aleksanyan painted the fables "The Dragonfly and the Ant", "The Rooster and the Pearl", "Death and the Unfortunate", "The Oak and the Reed", "The Worker and His Sons" the heroes, who made the fables even more eloquent. The open class ended with aphorisms selected from Jean de La Fontaine's fables in French and Armenian translation. French guests and headmaster of the center, Artur Minasyan, gave speeches.