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An open class entitled "British Customs and Traditions".

British national holidays and traditions in one platform. Students of English group presented their features as the most important values ​​of English culture and compared it with Armenian culture.
The open class was attended by guests from public schools, English language teachers, the directorate of the center and parents.The purpose of the open lesson was to recognize England as a conservative country of traditions, to promote the development of students' oral English, to enrich their vocabulary, and to promote the skills of reading and translating in a foreign language.
They, through a video slide, showed the English holidays and traditions that Armenians also celebrate as national holidays, then analyzed and staged the tips for holding them, emphasizing specifics. English cultural values, folk, popular holiday songs, English traditional conversations were presented.
Shoghik Soghomonyan, a member of the group, performed famous English songs that represent important values ​​in English singing. The open class was concluded with artistic performances around festive tables.

At the end, Marine Baghdasaryan, the English language teacher of Gyumri School No. 15, shared her impressions. "I was most impressed by the students' language thinking, translation skills and optimistic presentation of British national holidays. All this certainly speaks of the serious work done by the group leader, and one can talk about Hermine Sahakyan's pedagogical skills and approaches for a long time, thank you for the interesting lesson.
 It was one of the best approaches to develop students' language skills and communicate other cultural values.