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On March 11, in ‘’Endanik’’ Youth Creative Center of the Ministry of SE held a literary-musical evening devoted to the 120th anniversary of poet Yeghishe Charents. The event was organized by the students of Center’s Computer Design group.In the beautifully and tastefully decorated room spread Yeghishe... Read more
From 22 of February to 1 of March in ‘’Endanik’’ Youth Creative Center was organized the event entitled “Talking Books" devoted to the International Native Language Day in ‘’Endanik’’ center. The aim of the event was to present the importance of the native language in the preservation of... Read more
On February 24 , in ‘’Endanik’’ Youth Creative Center of the Ministry of SE  held an intellectual game competition entitled  ’’I am the Best’’ in the reading room named "Mesrop's alphabet". The aim of the competition was to develop students’ logical thinking, to contribute to the... Read more
«The unity is the mother of good deeds, but disunity gives birth to bad dealings.
On February 27, in the Ministry of SE of ‘’Endanik’’ Youth Creative Center held an event entitled '' The spirit of Vardanant’s is eternal, their inspiration is perpetuating '' dedicated to D. Demirchian's... Read more

The head of the artistic part of the “Endanik” youth creative center M. Torosyan within the frame of “Our great people” organized the seminar dedicated to Catholicos of All Armenians Gevorg Choreqchyan, which took place on November 26th in the Saint Hakob Mtsbnetsi  church in Gyumri.

  The participants... Read more

Every anniversary date is an occasion to reevaluate the past and to evaluate the future. The artistic event symbolized the independent motherland and the bright future of the people, which was organized on January 30th by “Endanik” youth creative center and  Gyumri number 4 C... Read more

Gyumri is a place, where everybody from Gyumri and Shirak lives, it is his/ her aspiration, desire and bright place of pilgrimage, hope and trust.


On September 5th the annual festival “The day of Gyumri” was solemnly celebrated.

... Read more
One of the most important guarantees of republican independence and security is the existence of an efficient army. 
On 25th of March in the Ministry of SE of ''Endanik'' Youth Creative Centre took place an event entitled ''Our Name is Armenian Army'' which aimed to raise teenagers patriotic and moral, combat spirit and to stress the army's important role in the continuing development of a strong and powerful homeland.
The event began with... Read more

                                            It is not enough to be the son of the nation 
                                             One must... Read more

On October 13th Gyumri breathed with festive enthusiasm, as it was the day of the “Festival of Gyumri”.

The first cord of the event sounded in the yard of the “Endanik”  youth creative center, where we can hear songs with the soul of Sheram and also we can see bold dance in style of Shaboyan

“Endanik” youth creative center is a place, where... Read more