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The closing ceremony announcing the end of the program was full of joy and sadness. During the evening, groups performed a march under the sounds of music, waving the flags of Armenia, Artsakh, Javakhk and France. The campers made circles in the colors of the tricolor flag and performed a joint dance. The... Read more
Within the framework of the Summer School program, Mkrtchyan, a seminar host, held seminars on the themes of "The priorities of the army building in the development of national security", "Role of radio in the national army", "Our-day heroes ". With the active participation of the campers, the seminar turned... Read more
Javakhk teenagers participating in the program shared their peers with information on their native land, emphasizing the measures contributing to the preservation of national identity voiced their concerns and discussed the problems of Javakheti Armenians with their peers. Albert Alekyan, student of... Read more
The guests of the Summer School were Arkady Petrosyan the Head of Sport –military and extracurricular Department of the Ministry of Education and Science, Board Members, Yerkrapah Volunteers Union representatives and participants of April military operations. The member of the Yerkrapah Union, freedom fighter,... Read more

Syrian-Armenian refugees included in the Summer School program told about the Armenian schools in Syria, their customs and traditions, briefly presented Syrian dishes and danced the most popular Armenian dance among Syrian Armenians. Through an active discussion by Anush Mkrtchyan, a seminar host, Summer School participants got... Read more

 On purpose of strengthening adolescents’ healthy lifestyle, physical education and for demonstrating their sporting capabilities, football, volleyball, tennis, badminton competitions and sporting events were held together with the military. The enthusiasm and aspiration of each participant was great. All... Read more
A seminar was held on the theme "The role of radio communication in the armed forces".
The students of Robotics and Radio Groups of the "Endanik" Center presented their acquired knowledge to the project participants; they presented robots created by the use of innovative technologies, talked... Read more
 “Endanik” Youth Creative Center of the Ministry of SE has launched a military-patriotic youth summer school program entitled "Homeland is Strong with devotees". The goal of the project is to promote to the education of a person rich in national, universal human values and patriotic ideas, through various events to raise pre - military age teenagers’... Read more
From July 1 to 7, ″ Endanik″ Youth Creative Centre of the Ministry of SE summered up 2016-2017 Academic year. The annual activity of the professional groups was examined and the results of the pupils were examined too. This year was also effective. This was evidenced by the achievements of the students in various fields... Read more
On June 28, ″Endanik″ Youth Creative Centre of the Ministry of SE organized ″ Sport is a vital source of life "sport competition dedicated to International Day of Physical Culture. Sport competition aim was to enhance students' physical readiness, to create culture of healthy... Read more