The duration of the learning is 3 years.
There must be from 8 to 15 pupils in the group.
The form of learning may be in group or individually.
The duration of studies is 45 minutes for 1 lesson, from 6 to 8 classes weekly.
The learning process is realized through the practical classes.
The classroom is equipped with modern machine-equipment, which correspond to rules of security of techniques, with electric tools for hand work and machines, with timber and with other necessary items, supplies.
The pupils of the woodcarving group learn to make geometric, shaped, ornamented, high-relief and bas-relief woodcarving, to make decorative-applied things decorated with ornaments, to recognize types of wood, to prepare and maintain the workplace, to choose the needed tools for different types of woodcarving, ways of formatting woodcarving, to preserve the rules of security and fire prevention in the workplace and during the work.
The finished works of the pupils are always shown in the exhibition hall of the center.
The result of the learning:
• The getting of the abilities of making artistic wooden things and skills of woodcarving.
• The getting of abilities and skills of making furniture with different artistic woodcarving parts.
• The repairing of carved artistic things.
• The obtaining of the right choice of profession.
• The appropriate and effective organization of everyday life.