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The program is assigned for the teenagers of 8 to 18 ages.
The duration of the learning is 2 years.
There must be from 7 to 14 pupils in the group.
The form of learning may be in group or individually.
The duration of studies is 45 minutes for 1 lesson, from 6 to 8 classes weekly.
The learning process is realized through the combination of theoretical and practical classes.
There are all the necessary condintions and supplies for the organization of the learning process in the classroom.
The pupils of the needlework group learn the pecularities of working in the workshop, to prepare and use the working tools correctly, to coose the ornamnets correctly, to give color solutions, to use drawings and conditional signs, rectify the defects of the needlework, to do final correction and improvement, to keep the rules of security.
The pupils get acquainted with the artistic values of needlework, with geometric, vegetal and the animal variety, with national historic cultural basics, with famous masters and their works.
The result of the learning:
The appropriate and effective organization of the everyday life. 
The ability of sketch processing and of using it correctly.
The obtaining of the ability of stitching handkerchiefs with different ornaments, holders, tablecloths, curtains, coverings, the bedding, pieces of cloth, national cloths.
The development of the aesthetic taste.
The obtaining of the abilities of working individually and in a group.